Renew your PWCRA membership now!  Accepting new members for 2024 - 2025

Focus of the year 2024-2025

- Council's Ti Point to Sandspit Shoreline Adaption Plan 
- purchasing the security camera
- keeping our village safe
- Neighbourhood Support & Community Resilience
- getting the best value out of our rates

Annual Subscription 1 June 2024 - 31 May 2025

Payment: $30 per household (all donations gratefully received)


Your membership to the Point Wells Community & Ratepayers Association:

- gives you discounted hall hire rates
- funds the publication of our quarterly community magazine, the Point Wells Crier 
- provides funding for the management and cleaning of our community hall & library for everyone to use
- funds internet access at the library & hall
- supports our local clubs such as Connoisseurs Club, Garden Club, Trapping Club and Play Group
- funds our website -

The Committee are the primary advocates for Point Wells ratepayers on issues with Auckland Council, Rodney District Board and Auckland Transport

We wish to advise that the Annual General Meeting of the Pt Wells Community Ratepayers Association will be held on Sunday 12th May at 4.30pm at the Pt Wells Hall.  Agenda is below.  All members are invited to attend.


Our President Alana McClintock will be resigning this year as President but will remain on the Committee.  So we will be appointing a new President and hopefully some new Committee Members to join our team.  If you would like to join the PWCRA Committee and help us advocate for Pt Wells Village, please let us know and we can discuss details with you before the AGM.  We would love to have representation from the Library, Bowls Club and Boating Club.  Also if you are interested in getting involved in Community Resilience and Neighbourhood Watch, please get in touch.  We meet once a month.  





  1. Welcome by the Chair
  2. Apologies
  3. Previous minutes and matters arising.
  4. Outgoing President’s report.
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Election of new President and Committee members
  7. General business:
  8. Update on engagement with Ivan Wagstaff at Rodney council on seawall, toilet and traffic calming.
  9. Pest control
  10. Update on harbour safety and environmental topics
  11. Security camera update
  12. Engagement with Auckland council – hall renovations complete
  13. Community Resilience and Neighbourhood Watch
  14. Any other business

President’s Report


Kia ora koutou, Greetings to you all.

It has been a busy quarter for the Point Wells committee with supporting the village Christmas party, Point Wells Hall Garage Sale and engaging with the Rodney Local Board on community concerns.

The Christmas party was held by the Point Wells Club and the PWCRA contributed by running the BBQ which raised $180 for the Matakana Fire Brigade

The Point Wells Hall coordinator Priscilla Ngawaka and a group of amazing locals brought back to life the Hall Garage sale. Hundreds of customers showed up to help our locals clear out their unwanted household goods. It was a huge success.

The committee continues to advocate to the council on behalf of our association members. We have asked the local Rodney board for updates on several important topics including the seawall upgrade and traffic calming initiatives. We have provided an update in this edition.

This summer has been seen many visitors to the village, and the weather has been mostly spectacular. We anticipate another few months of sunny warm weather but urge all residents to prepare for potential severe weather events by following the advice in our section about Community Resilience.

Nga mihi

Alana McClintock

How the PWCRA is advocating for our members


 Direct questions to the Local Board: December 2023


Our committee has formally requested an update from the Rodney Local Board on the below topics. Here is Ivan’s Wagstaff’s reply on behalf of the board.

What is happening with our seawall upgrade? We logged an OIA last year as we felt we were not given adequate information about why the seawall renewal had been postponed. We are keen to have an official update on when the seawall repair and upgrade will be started and completed.


Response: The Point Wells seawall project is on the regionally funded Coastal Asset Renewals Work Programme. Last year, the project was placed on hold anticipating the upcoming development of a Shoreline Adaptation Plan for the site and wider Whangateau area. In developing the future coastal renewals work programme, the project will be re-initiated for the beginning of the new financial year to enable supporting design engineers to be engaged and commence work on this project. Once the FY24-27 regional work programme is approved, the project team will be able to re-engage with the Rodney Local Board on the project scope and next steps.


We see the footpath has been extended on Point Wells Road, is this part of our Traffic Calming funding? How do we find out if the $100K allocated for this has been spent yet?


Response: The project was completed in Dec 2023.The following improvements were completed:   Road marking, Signage improvements, and Electronic Driver feedback sign. All works were completed at 57k. 


We want to get the process underway to provide a public toilet in the Point Wells

Playground reserve. People are using the back of hall for toileting which is a health hazard. The only other public toilet is some distance away at the boat ramp. Recently our Hall Co-ordinator spoke to two Council staff at Point Wells Hall who informed us they were there to plan future upgrades to the facility. They were unaware that our Association has a Community Centre Management Agreement with the Council. They were looking at extending a driveway around the back of the hall; we think the public toilet is the priority.

Response: This might be more immediately possible if the community can help raise funds.

Jobs logged with the Council:

We have requested the Council repair the wooden edging along the boat ramp wall which is unstable. We have also requested they remove the large harbour channel marker lying on the grass by the ramp. Job logged Feb 8th 2024.

This work has been completed.

PWCRA Committee

Do you have a question for the local board? Get in touch with the PWCRA association SECRETARY

PW Ratepayers Assn


Sign up now for the Point Wells Community & Ratepayers Assoc. You can do this quickly and easily by following this link